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What If

Hey Friend!

I am super excited about what God is doing in my life! And, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t share it with you? Yes, you girl, my friend, who is reading my first blog. I pondered over and over again about what I wanted to write in this blog. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to say. In fact, it’s the total opposite; I had so much I needed to say, and I was wondering what I should say and what I shouldn’t. Should I talk more about my book? Should I make my first blog about friendships? With so much going on in my head, I prayed and asked God for clarity and direction.

One of my prayers has always been that I can touch and inspire as many women as possible, and I realize that one way to build my relationship with all of my new friends is by being honest. While doing my nightly bedtime routine, which includes a relaxing bubble bath while praying. God gave me two words, “what if.” Yes, let’s explore these two words.

I believe that these two simple words can impact your life significantly. What if you apply for that job? What if you go back to school? What if you decide to start that business? What if you write that book? The what-ifs list could go on and on. Now, I

want you to imagine what “what if” looks like with you in it. Close your eyes and picture yourself doing that “what if.” Believe if you can visualize it, you can achieve it.

When I was thinking of these two words, I realized that we never really witness the manifestation of our “what ifs” because fear holds us captive. Can I be honest with you? I know what I’m talking about because I have walked that road of fear and self-doubt, especially after writing my book. I thought, what if after writing this book no one buys it? What if you, my friends, don’t like it. I had to gather myself, face my fears, and fight for the dream that I had always nurtured so passionately.

In this moment of fear, I remembered the word of God, which empowered me to persevere: God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind. (1Tim 1:7) I prayed about my goal and gave it over to the Lord and the printing company, and here I am today, testifying what God has done for me.

Everything about my brand is for women. But, what if, tried to stop me from releasing my book. The book that is going to heal some friendships, start new ones, restore hope in someone who was on the verge of giving up, and even inspire you to write a book that you’ve wanted to write for years!

So friend, let me help you start your journey. The first thing I’d like you to do is to get a new journal. After getting the journal, I need you to write down all the stuff that “what if” prevented you from doing. Don’t rush this task; take a couple of days to complete it. After you brain dump, look over your list and pick one thing you want to focus on. Take that one thing and pray and focus on it daily. Don’t think about what if; only focus on the end result. Focus on your destination and the lives you can change, and the people you will help after you complete this. Friend, you got this; I am rooting for you and can’t wait to hear your testimony.

Love your friend,


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Juanita Darling
Juanita Darling

26 years and counting! You have always been authentic, caring, loving, and supportive. I thank God for you!

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